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Layer: 2018 Population and Poverty by Tract (ID: 11)

Parent Layer: 2018 Estimates

Name: 2018 Population and Poverty by Tract

Display Field: CT10

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: General Attribute informationStatistical Area: 2010 Census TractGeneral Population and Population in Poverty below 100% and 200% FPLVariables and Labels: PopulationPop below 100% Federal Poverty Level("a" = 100% FPL)Pop below 200% Federal Poverty Level("d" =200% FPL)LabelTract2010 Census Tractmalemale18amale18dmale totalm_0ma_0md_0male 0-4 yearsm_5ma_5md_5male 5-9 yearsm_10ma_10md_10male 10-14 yearsm_15ma_15md_15male 15-17 yearsm_18ma_18md_18male 18-19 yearsm_40ma_40md_40male 40-44 yearsm_45ma_45md_45male 45-49 yearsm_30ma_30md_30male 30-34 yearsm_35ma_35md_35male 35-39 yearsm_40ma_40md_40male 40-44 yearsm_45ma_45md_45male 45-49 yearsm_50ma_50md_50male 50-54 yearsm_55ma_55md_55male 55-59 yearsm_60ma_60md_60male 60-64 yearsm_65ma_65md_65male 65-69 yearsm_70ma_70md_70male 70-74 yearsm_75ma_75md_75male 75-79 yearsm_80ma_80md_80male 80-84 yearsm_85ma_85md_85male 85 and olderfemalefemale18afemale18dfemale totalf_0fa_0fd_0female 0-4 yearsf_5fa_5fd_5female 5-9 yearsf_10fa_10fd_10female 10-14 yearsf_15fa_15fd_15female 15-17 yearsf_18fa_18fd_18female 18-19 yearsf_40fa_40fd_40female 40-44 yearsf_45fa_45fd_45female 45-49 yearsf_30fa_30fd_30female 30-34 yearsf_35fa_35fd_35female 35-39 yearsf_40fa_40fd_40female 40-44 yearsf_45fa_45fd_45female 45-49 yearsf_50fa_50fd_50female 50-54 yearsf_55fa_55fd_55female 55-59 yearsf_60fa_60fd_60female 60-64 yearsf_65fa_65fd_65female 65-69 yearsf_70fa_70fd_70female 70-74 yearsf_75fa_75fd_75female 75-79 yearsf_80fa_80fd_80female 80-84 yearsf_85fa_85fd_85female 85 and olderwht18wht18awht18dnon-Hisp White blk18blk18ablk18dnon-Hisp Black nat18nat18anat18dnon-Hisp Native American asn18asn18aasn18dnon-Hisp Asian Totalpac18pac18apac18dnon-Hisp Pacific Islander lat18lat18alat18dHispanic Date Created/UpdatedEstimated as of July 1, 2018SourceCounty of Los Angeles, Internal Services Department, Information Technology Service, Urban Research-GIS Section, July 1, 2018 Population Estimates for Los Angeles CountyTract-City and Countywide Statistical Area Splits by Age, Sex and Race/Ethnicity, Los Angeles, CA, March 2019.

Copyright Text: • Los Angeles County, Internal Services Department • Please contact Victor Chen (562-658-1799, Vchen@isd.lacounty.gov) for further details of population and poverty estimate.

Default Visibility: false

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 50000.0

Max Scale: 0.0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: true

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
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HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

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