Los Angeles County Service Planning Areas (SPAs), updated in 2022. Los Angeles County is divided into eight SPAs for health care planning purposes. Updating SPA and Health District boundaries to align with new U.S. Census Bureau census tract boundaries is performed after every Decennial Census.How was this data created?The 2020 Census Tracts from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2021 TIGER/Line were used as building blocks for the SPA layer. The 2012 SPA layer was compared to the 2020 Census Tracts layer to provide preliminary information on the SPAs associated with each Census Tract and to determine where SPAs no longer aligned. For the 2022 SPA layer, boundaries were updated to align with the 2020 Census Tract boundary changes with consideration for maintaining effective service delivery. The SPAs were refined to conform with the County boundary and coastline from the 2021 Supervisorial Districts and County Boundary layers. Data Fields:SPA (Type = Text, Length = 1, Alias = SPA 2022): SPA number as text; a numeric but non-quantitative identifierSPA_NAME (Type = Text, Length = 30, Alias = SPA NAME): Full SPA nameABBV (Type = Text, Length = 5): Abbreviated SPA nameLABEL (Type = Text, Length = 10): Descriptive text of SPA for mappingSPA_NUM (Type = Short, Alias = SPA NUM): SPA number as number; field type from earlier 2012 version of SPAsUpdate Frequency: After every Decennial Census or as needed |