This dataset shows the boundaries of public safety answering points - the geographic boundaires that determine where an emergency call is routed. A Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is a state-managed local center where all 911 calls are routed. They are typically located at a local or county level. There are 4,459 PSAPs in the U.S. At the PSAP, trained emergency personnel receive 911 calls and make decisions as to what emergency service to dispatch in order to best accommodate the situation (fire, ambulance, etc).This file contains ESN numbers. An Emergency Service Number (ESN) (XXX) is assigned to the subscriber's telephone number in the tandem office translations The ESN represents a seven digit number by which the tandem office routes the call to the proper PSAP. PSAPs with ALI capabilities also receive a display of the ESN information which shows which police, fire and rescue agency serves the telephone number calling 911. An ESN is a unique combination of police, fire, and rescue service for purposes of routing the E911 call.This dataset also include ORI numbers. An ORI (Originating Agency Identifier) is a nine character identifier assigned to an agency that has met the established qualifying criteria for a fingerprint based background check. |